Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 6: Spokane

Oddly enough, even in the smaller towns we have driven through or stayed at, homelessness seems to be a problem. Pretty much everyone knows that I had that homeless man under the bridge across from my condo for about a week, but you really don’t see that many homeless in Milwaukee. But out here, they are out and about. We’ve only been asked for money once and that was when we got to Seattle, but it’s disconcerting just to see so many. We’ve also seen people actually hitchhiking - just a couple - but I thought that was a thing of the past considering how dangerous it is.

Spokane has a population of about 209,000 but I thought the downtown was exceptionally well-done. The Spokane River runs through it and there is a park (, even rides. We parked and walked over a couple of the several bridges they have over the river that are park of a walking trail system. I’m not sure if it is always this way, or because it was spring, the river was really rushing! They even have a little Skyride over the falls, so we did that, too.

There is a Sculpture Walk with over 20 different sculptures throughout the downtown area plus a few outside that area. We ate outside at a little pub & grill ( next to the restaurant from the night before. After walking around some more, poking into a few shops and picking up some soft peanut butter brittle (yum!), we drove to one of their other parks, Manito Park ( They had a lilac garden, which was mostly done blooming, a Japanese garden (wonderful), a rose garden that hadn’t started blooming yet and several other different areas. It was really quite nice.

We headed back to the hotel after finding and stopping for a tasting at a little winery ( I opted to stay in, do laundry, eat popcorn and watch Donald Driver get robbed of perfect 10’s on DWTS. Dave went to the movies. I think I was sleeping by 10...

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